Hola Everyone
My age has allowed me to live many exciting and unforgettable moments.
I am a lucky man because I have had the privilege of sharing many of those moments with you.
Today, my friends and colleagues, I have the honour of presenting to you his Majesty, the King of Spain.
Don Juan Carlos, is a keen sportsman and has passed this enthusiasm to his family. It honours me to also acknowledge the presence of Her Majesty Queen Sofia.
His Majesty very well understands what the Olympic Movement is because he took the Olympic oath at the Games of Munich¿72, competing with another great sportsman, Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee.
I would like to take this opportunity to publicly praise him for his masterly leadership of our Organization to which you, dear colleagues, are also contributing with your dedication.
Spain is a country that is passionate about sports, present in Spaniards¿ day-to-day lives, thanks to the excellent results achieved by our sportsmen and women throughout past years.
His Majesty symbolises the commitment of all Spain to the values of the Olympic ideal.
Dear colleges, I am coming to the end of my time. I am 89 years old. May I please ask you to consider to grant my country the honour of hosting the Olympic games in Madrid.