
Discurso íntegro del Rey ante el COI
2 min.

Muchas gracias Presidente Samaranch.

Señor Presidente, Señoras y Señores miembros del Comité Olímpico Internacional:

Mi familia también ha sido olímpica.  Hemos participado en varios Juegos Olímpicos. Una hija mía, la Infanta Elena, es la Presidenta de Honor del Comité Paralímpico Español.

Siempre hemos apoyado el Olimpismo.

Es una tradición que va a continuar. Algunos de mis nietos ya se han presentado como voluntarios para Madrid 2016.

Moi aussi, je crois que le sport contribue à l'égalité entre les personnes et à l'amitié entre les peuples.

I am very proud to be with the Olympic Family, once again. And I am very proud to be part of this marvellous team.

We believe in Madrid Twenty-Sixteen. For us this is a very exciting project and we firmly believe that we can and that we know how to bring it about.

It is a project supported by our whole Nation, by the city of Madrid, by the regional Government of Madrid, by the Government of Spain and by the Spanish Parliament.

It is a project that has my whole-hearted support.

Moreover, it has the support, the affection and the dedication of the entire Spanish people.

Mr President, Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of the International Olympic Commitee: a vote for Madrid is a vote that will foster Olympic values throughout the world.

A vote that through sport, will bring into our lives more understanding, more solidarity and more friendship.

Believe me, a vote for Madrid is a vote for the total success of these Olympic and Paralympic Games.

I am convinced that the world will be a better place to live in, following Madrid Twenty-Sixteen.

And don't doubt that in Madrid, by the year 2017, the Olympic and Paralympic Games will have changed lives forever.

Thank you very much.






A la Carta
