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Columbus DNA, his true origin

Absolute audience leader in its free-to-air broadcast in Spain (21.5% share and 5 million contacts).

Tiempo de lectura 2 min.


Documentary - 1 x 90' - Historical / Scientific

Portugal, Castile, different parts of Italy, present-day Catalonia, Mallorca, Galicia, Valencia, Basque Country, England, Croatia, Poland and even the Nordic countries... At last, science is going to solve one of the greatest mysteries in history: the birthplace of Christopher Columbus.

Twenty-one years ago, Dr. José Antonio Lorente, Professor of Legal and Forensic Medicine at the University of Granada, obtained exceptional permission to exhume the remains of Christopher Columbus and his son Hernando, kept in the Cathedral of Seville, as well as the bones of his younger brother, Diego Columbus, located in the Ceramic Factory of the Cartuja in Seville. However, the investigation was put on hold because the science of the time was not enough to solve the enigma.

Today, thanks to technological advances, it has been possible to extract DNA from the remains of Columbus and his relatives, opening the possibility of confirming or disproving theories about the origin of the discoverer of America.

Discover the result of research that, after more than two decades, could change history as we know it.


Directed by: Regis Francisco López

An RTVE production in collaboration with Story Producciones and the University of Granada.

Year: 2024