The golden girls

1 min.

Series - 13 x 50' - Comedy

Discover the endearing and funny series 'The Golden Girls', where Blanca, in financial trouble, decides to rent rooms in her house, and her ad is answered by two women looking for a new beginning. Blanca' s coexistence with Rosa and Doroti, together with the unexpected arrival of Sofia (Doroti's mother), creates a cocktail of situations as comical as they are moving.

United by loneliness and the search for happiness, these three mature women become close friends. Through humor and mutual support, they face everyday challenges together with a positive attitude. 'The Golden Girls' is an ode to friendship, self-improvement and joie de vivre, offering a glimpse into the vicissitudes and complicities that arise when three determined women share their lives in this endearing comedy.


Directed by: Jose Luis Rodríguez

Cast: Alicia Hermida, Lola Herrera, Carmen Maura, Concha Velasco, Maite Blasco, Lluis Marco.

Script: Jose Luis Rodríguez

Year: 2010

If you would like more information about this product, please contact us.

An RTVE production in collaboration with Alba Adriática.






A la Carta
